If one manages to make an appointment today for passport or ID card, it would be in December at the earliest or in 2024


If one manages to make an appointment today to take out personal documents with the new name of the country, it will certainly be in December or January next year.

But the citizens do not mind that they will wait so long, as much as they are outraged that they cannot get hold of anyone when they call the call center at the phone number 072/92-92-92, while making an appointment through the website of the Ministry of Interior is complicated and unreachable.

The Ministry of Interior told the news site that citizens had to wait until the last minute to change their personal documents, and according to them, the increased volume of work is due to the fact that, for years, most personal documents (identity card, driver’s license and passport) have been issued in the summer period.

The announcement of the Ministry of Interior that personal documents must be changed with the new name by February has revolted the citizens. They justifiably complain that it is incomprehensible that valid documents have to be changed and that it should be at their expense. If so, they say, the change of documents should be at the expense of the state.


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