Three hundred pieces of cosmetic fillers seized at the Macedonian-Bulgarian border


Customs officers at the Deve Bair border crossing prevented an attempt to smuggle 300 pieces of REVOLAX cosmetic fillers, worth 9,000 euros.
The person, otherwise a Kosovar national with the initials A.G., tried to enter the country without declaring the goods. When asked by the customs officer if he had anything to declare, he replied that he had nothing to declare except personal luggage.
“During the routine inspection carried out by the customs officials, 300 pieces of facial fillers, mostly for lips, were discovered in the passenger suitcase and behind the back seats, the value of which, according to the invoice found in the vehicle, is 9,000 euros. The goods and the vehicle have been temporarily impounded, and an appropriate criminal report for smuggling has been filed against the person,” said the Customs Office.

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