Ask Mickoski about yesterday’s events in Skopje and Tetovo


DPMNE should ask Hristijan Mickoski for all the answers to the questions about yesterday’s events in Skopje and Tetovo. This is how the ruling SDSM responded to the accusations of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE that DUI and SDSM changed the names of the streets in 2021 in the Skopje City Council, so yesterday in Chair the street was renamed Second Macedonian Strike Brigade with the name of the Kosovo fighter Adem Demachi in the presence of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

“It is Hristijan Mickoski who should appear in front of the public and answer. The informal coalition partners of Mickoski and DPMNE are the organizers of the events in Skopje and Tetovo. Kasami became mayor with the support and votes provided by DPMNE, and their joint cooperation continues in the Council, in the Parliament, but also on other topics. Together with Mickoski, they united to form a new parliamentary majority and a new government, which failed,” said SDSM.

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