Angelov on the 22 anniversary of the Ohrid Framework Agreement: We won every battle, but the politicians lost


Today marks 22 years since the signing of the Ohrid Peace Framework Agreement, and on that occasion, the leader of Dostoinstvo (Dignity), Stojanche Angelov, addressed the general public, saying that the Macedonian defenders won all the battles in the conflict with the final defeat of the politicians.
“With the communique number 4 of January 23, 2001, issued the day after the armed attack on the Tearce police station in which one policeman died and three were wounded, the NLA asked the “Slav-Macedonians” to leave the centuries-old Albanian hearths. Instead of retreating, we, the members of the Macedonian security forces, on the order of the head of state at the time, went on the attack. We fought everywhere we were ordered to fight, we won everywhere we were ordered to fight, we defended our homeland Macedonia, not allowing even an inch of Macedonian land to be seceded. After the leadership of the NLA realized that they could not resist the superior Macedonian security forces, they changed their strategy, and with it their rhetoric, and instead of fighting for territory through the liberation of the “century-old Albanian hearths”, they started talking about fighting for “human rights “. Thus, overnight, from murderers and robbers, as the then-Secretary General of NATO George Robertson called them, they became fighters for human rights.

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