Doctor Jovev ordered to vacate his office at the Cardiology Clinic by Monday


An order to vacate the office at the Cardiology Clinic has been sent to Prof. Dr. Sasho Jovev, a world-renowned cardiac surgeon, known for leading the team that performed the first heart transplants in Macedonia. In June, he was dismissed from the position of director of State Cardiac Surgery, and such a decision was made by the Minister of Health, Fatmir Mexhiti, with the excuse that Dr. Jovev was on duty twice without the consent of the minister. When this decision was made, Jovev was on sick leave. He says that apart from party motives, there are no other reasons for the decision because the results of the work speak for themselves.
Now a new order has been sent on August 10. Dr. Jovev has been ordered to leave the office by Monday or other measures will be taken. The order was signed by the new acting medical director, Marjan Shokarovski.

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