H. Police struggle for four days to find the person that was waving the so-called “Greater Albania” flag


The Tetovo police have been searching for four days for the person who waved the flag of the so-called “Greater Albania”, and the Government did not defend itself and did not demand responsibility for two days, while the Prosecutor’s Office is waiting to see what the Ministry of Internal Affairs will do. It is uncertain whether there will be responsibility for the organizers, the mayors of Chair, Visar Ganiu, and Tetovo, Bilal Kasami, because the laws and protocols for welcoming the foreign guest, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, were not respected at the events.

The flag of “Greater Albania” was waved at a concert in Tetovo on August 11, which was organized by the local government as a sign of welcoming Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Albin Kurti. In the video that was broadcast on the official Facebook page of the Municipality, you can see an unfurled flag with a map covering Albania and parts of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Greece, while Kurti arrives with Mayor Bilal Kasami, accompanied by Izet Mexhiti and Afrim Gashi.

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