Out of 19 fires on Tuesday, 18 have been extinguished and one has been localized, CMC informs


The crisis management center informed Wednesday morning that there were a total of 19 wildfires in the territory of the country yesterday, of which 18 were extinguished.
Late yesterday afternoon, the firefighting teams, the airtractor planes of the Directorate for Protection and Rescue and police helicopters of the Ministry of the Interior managed to bring the fire under control near the village of Sokolarci in the Municipality of Cheshinovo – Obleshevo. The fire, which spread along several legs, posed a danger to the villages of Sokolarci, Vrbica and the St. George monastery, but as announced by CMC, the danger has been eliminated.
There were also fires yesterday in Skopje, in the village of Radusha – Municipality of Saraj, on Skupi Street in Karposh and in the forest park in the Municipality of Gazi Baba. All three were extinguished, as low vegetation was on fire.

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