Tetovo protesters demand punishment for those responsible for the modular hospital fire and dismissal of Joveski

EPA-EFE/Georgi Licovski

The relatives of 14 people who died in the fire in the modular hospital, along with a hundred citizens, protested Wednesday in front of the Tetovo Basic Court after the airing of the IRL documentary “Murder in Tetovo”, in which documents, testimonies and concealment of evidence by the institutions of the system were revealed.
“Today we gathered in front of the Prosecutor’s Office and in front of the Tetovo Court to express our rage because the manipulation and twisting of the judicial process for the tragedy of September 8, where 14 of our fellow citizens burned alive. In 5 years we have had 4 tragedies, 97 victims and zero days in prison. That is why trust in the judicial system of this country is zero. Citizens’ lives have become hostage to bargaining and tenders without criteria. It was seen that corruption kills,” said one of the protesters.
“We demand from the Government to immediately dismiss Prosecutor Ljubomir Jovevski and all his colleagues who took part in this monstrous deed and indict all of them for their part in the crime. We demand that the real perpetrators be prosecuted, including the politicians who illegally allocated the construction tender to the BRAKO company. No justice, no peace,” added the protesters in Tetovo.

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