Price of domestic cheeses to go up by 30 percent


Homemade cheese produced in Macedonian farms will become more expensive by 30 percent, which would mean that from the previous prices between MKD 500 and MKD 550 per kg, starting from September 1st they will reach up to MKD 700.

The reasons, as stated by the producers, are the lack of workers who go mainly to Italy, climate change and the reduction of quality pastures. They point out that the homemade products are 100 percent natural without additives, but they have very low prices.

The data of the herdsmen are also devastating, stating that in five years in the Berovo-Pehčevo region, where the branded Maleshevo ​​cheese is produced, the flocks of sheep have halved. If before they had 16,000, now they have over 8,000 sheep.

They asked the Ministry of Agriculture to reduce the deadline for keeping registered sheep from December 1st to October 1st.

An increase in the price of dairy products has already been noted in the markets. The latest data from the State Statistics Office showed that in July the price of cheese and cottage cheese jumped by 1.8 percent compared to the price in July last year, and the price of milk jumped by 0.8 percent in just one year.


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