Gievski: There’s high probability that the school year will start with a strike


The people working in education are dissatisfied with the fact that the collective agreement is not respected, dissatisfied with the low wages, with the announced changes that are against the law, so there is a possibility that the school year will start with a strike, said head of the Independent Union of Education and Science TomislavGievski on Sunday.

“It is absolutely a matter of huge dissatisfaction that prevails in primary and secondary schools, as a result of the low 10 percent offered by the government through the general collective agreement. There are huge chances that the school year will start with a strike, we as the Independent Union for Education and Science are actively working to gather strength in order to be able to realize that process. The revolt is due to the low, below-average salary, and the biggest one is due to the non-respect of the collective agreements,” said Gievski in the interview.

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