Osmani wiil give EUR 1.8 million of taxpayers’ money to Ademi’s nephew, how many more nephews of DUI officials have an entrepreneurial spirit?


As much as 1.8 million euros will end up in the pockets of Elmedin Ademi, nephew of the former minister of DUI, Abdulakim Ademi, for re-adaptation of the Boris Trajkovski sports hall for the Summit of Heads of State of OSCE member states, VMRO-DPMNE said on Tuesday.

“The MFA and Bujar Osmani are granting a tender to Eurovia DOOEL, which is also the biggest donor to DUI. The same company has taken 2 million euros for the construction of a police station at the Airport, as well as a tender for the reconstruction and conversion of the Mother Teresa University. And the real expansion of received tenders from state institutions is from 2017, after SDS and DUI are in power. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spends 1.8 million euros for chairs and equipment, while no one knows where that equipment will end up after the Summit of the heads of the OSCE member states. DUIzation is happening to Macedonia. How many more nephews of DUI officials have an entrepreneurial spirit?”, the largest opposition party asked.


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