No results for 10 days – will Oncology end up as the modular hospital and Besa Trans?


The spokesperson of opposition VMRO-DPMNE, Naum Stoilkovski, stressed at a press conference Sunday that the horror of Oncology has been shaking the country for 10 days, and there has been no result.

“The mafia has been going to work for 10 days, AS the system is still off, 10 days doctors, nurses, involved, can repeat the crime. For 10 days the names are hidden, the case is allowed to be influenced, the case is allowed to be neglected, erased in time, evidence is allowed to be influenced and witnesses are intimidated. 10 days there is nothing, they want the Oncology case to end like the modular or Besa Trans case ended, without a real solution. 10 days of just empty platitudes for justice because the responsibility lies with the party cadres chosen to implement party guidelines,” said Stoilkovski.

Stoilkovski adds that the impunity of heinous crime creates a new criminal abomination.

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