Citizens live a much poorer and harder life, and the main culprits SDS and DUI are not interested in that at all, says Stojanoski


Citizens live a much poorer and harder life, and the main culprits SDS and DUI are not interested in that at all. In Macedonia, with this Government, there is no more perspective and no future, neither for the young nor for the elderly, says MP Bojan Stojanoski of the VMRO-DPMNE MP group.

“At today’s plenary session, the Government led by SDS and DUI proposes amendments to the Law on Added Value, which will increase the price of over 4,000 food products by at least 5% or 13% immediately after its entry into force. Precisely because of this so-called tax reform of the government, inflation in Macedonia will grow even more, and the quality of life of the citizens will be even worse. To make the absurdity even greater, this Government has been hiding and avoiding publishing the list of products that will be covered by this tax reform for some time. As a reminder, the so-called transparent Government led by SDS and DUI announced in December last year that it was preparing this list of products, but it never saw the light of day,” said Stojanoski.

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