Mickoski: The Government’s new borrowing of EUR 300 million is proof that the Budget is in a bad state – the current gap is around EUR 550 million


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski during his visit on Wednesday to the municipality of Gjorche Petrov, commented on the information that yesterday at the government session a decision was passed for a new borrowing of 300 million euros.

“More money for tenders that will end in their pockets, nothing more. It is obvious that the Budget, because they say it is liquid, that there is collection as they planned, is not the case. That’s what this data says, which I also heard that at yesterday’s session of the Government, a decision was passed for a new 300 million euros, borrowing with a new Eurobond,” said the VMRO-DPMNE leader.

“Then why do these things happen, if the situation is stable? If you look at the data published by the Ministry of Finance, you will notice that the current hole in the budget is more than 33 billion denars, somewhere around 550 million euros,” Mickoski said and added that ‘200 million euros are for the Corridor 8 and 10 projects, which were paid on paper, and unfortunately, except for the board, so now even the board has been put up. They took out the board, now there are only bars. The citizens did not see anything else’.


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