NASA: Lake Prespa has lost 7 percent of its surface area between 1984 and 2020


Lake Prespa, which has a surface area of around 260 square kilometres, more than twice the size of Paris, has lost 7 percent of its surface area and half of its volume between 1984 and 2020, reports Euractiv, citing a NASA report.

Noting that more than two thirds of the lake belongs to North Macedonia and the rest to Greece and Albania, the website writes that Prespa is one of Europe’s oldest lakes and home to more than 2,000 species of fish, birds, mammals and plants.

The article notes that the water at Lake Prespa is now more than 8 metres lower than in the late 1970s, adding that the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) “has warned some wildlife species at the lake are at risk of extinction because of the destruction of their habitat through harmful farming practices, erosion, untreated waste and waste waters.”

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