Nikoloski: There are no Bulgarians in Albania, but there are Macedonians who are not protected by their home country


There are no Bulgarians in Albania, but there are Macedonians who are abandoned by the non-popular government, commented the deputy leader of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, Aleksandar Nikoloski, after the announcement that the vice-president of Bulgaria, Iliana Iotova, will open a Bulgarian-language school in Albania.

“When Macedonia doesn’t do anything, then Bulgaria’s assimilationist policy will work! Instead of implementing the verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights from Strasbourg which demand the recognition of Macedonians in Bulgaria and their right of association and native Macedonian language, Bulgaria is looking for non-existent Bulgarians in Albania, buying the souls of people who have suffered and tortured and living in dire poverty in Albania, offering them Bulgarian passports with which they can go to wealthier EU countries for a piece of bread. It is the truth,” said the VMRO-DPMNE deputy leader.

Nikoloski predicts that the current government in Macedonia will fall in a short time.

“There are no Bulgarians in Albania, but there are Macedonians whom their motherland Macedonia does not protect and leaves them to fend for themselves. In a short time, the non-popular government led by SDSM and DUI in Macedonia will fall and the Macedonians in Albania and in the whole world will have their heads held high,” said Nikoloski on a Facebook post.

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