Proposal-decision to establish an inquiry committee for the Oncology case before the Political System Committee


The Parliamentary Committee for Political System and Inter-Community Relations will discuss today a Proposal – a decision to establish a commission of inquiry for the Oncology case following information on abuses of biological therapy for oncology patients at the PHI University Clinic for Radiotherapy and Oncology, for which it has already opened an investigation. The formation of the inquiry commission is with the signatures of 20 MPs from the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, which last week submitted a request with a proposal on the establishment of the committee to the Parliament Speaker TalatXhaferi.

The proposal-decision contains eight articles and it foresees the establishment of an inquiry committee for, as indicated in the document, “an analysis of all documents in the PHI University Clinic for Radiotherapy and Oncology in order to determine the political responsibility of government and health officials related to the scandal“.

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