Mickoski: VMRO-DPMNE has never been more united, but if they think there is a split, let’s go to snap elections


SDS would like there to be a split, but not only is there no split, the party has never been more united. But on the other hand, you can notice how when the agenda for constitutional amendments was voted on, you will notice that two MPs from the SDS coalition did not vote. At the same time, you will see that someone appears from DUI on a daily basis, we even have new political parties, which means the split is elsewhere, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, during his visit to the municipality of Gjorche Petrov on Thursday.

There is cohesion within VMRO-DPMNE like never before,” Mickoski pointed out.

Mickoski pointed out that if the Government believes that there is a split within VMRO-DPMNE, then they would have a better position, then let’s dissolve the Parliament and go to elections.

“That is the only way to show where there is a split, then let’s dissolve the Parliament and let’s go to elections to see what the outcome will be,” stressed Mickoski

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