Macedonia will have balanced development throughout the entire territory with the next government, promises VMRO-DPMNE


Eighty percent of what was promised two years ago has already been realized, 20% remains. But that does not mean that after that 20% has been realized, it should be stopped. On the contrary, it should be a motive to realize something that was not promised, and that will be greeted and welcomed by the citizens of Brvenica municipality. Despite the difficult conditions faced by the mayor, and the ignorant attitude of the Government, the good news is that in a few months we will have a new Government led by VMRO-DPMNE whose flagship project will be a major decentralization of budget funds for the realization of capital investments in the municipalities. And for that purpose, according to the criteria that we have defined in the municipality of Brvenica, up to one million and 800 thousand euros will be invested annually, said the VMRO-DPMNE leaderHristijan Mickoski, during his visit to Brvenica on Saturday.


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