Teen pregnancy rate in Macedonia is almost three times higher than the EU average


As many as 36 percent of boys and three percent of girls at the age of 15 have had sexual intercourse. The rate of teenage pregnancy in our country is almost three times higher than the average of the European Union, according to the data published today by the Macedonian Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (MAGO) and HERA – Association for Health Education and Research on the occasion of the World Contraception Day and the World Day of safe abortion.

Protected sexual intercourse, according to published data, is practiced only by 20 percent of girls and 62 percent of boys among the Albanian population and by 64 percent of boys and 52 percent of girls among the Macedonian population. Only 12.8 percent of young people up to the age of 29 use some kind of contraceptive.

None of the few available modern contraceptives in the country is on the Positive List of Medicines.

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