Bears will not be shot down in Mavrovo, preventive measures will be used, says Government


After the reactions of the local residents about the increased presence of bears in the settlements of Mavrovo and Rostushe Municipality, the Government announced after its session that more measures will be taken to prevent the problem.

As announced by the Government, in the shortest period of time, all the smaller and larger garbage dumps that are near the inhabited places, which are a source of attraction for the bear, should be removed. The local self-government in cooperation with the Mavrovo National Park should solve this issue in order to promptly clean the garbage, that is, the wild dumps from all the settlements and from the local roads.

In addition, among the established preventive measures, control of all ancillary facilities in which food is stored, which can be easily accessible and are near the place of residence, closing with a security metal fence all places for disposal of municipal waste, provision of special storage facilities is foreseen for bears outside of populated areas, securing properties, especially places where livestock, bees or others are kept with an electric fence.

The Government announced that measures will be taken to put the bears to sleep and dislocate them in cooperation with state authorities and scientific institutions, as well as that preventive means will be used to scare and deter the bears.

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