According relevant research, VMRO-DPMNE will have a convincing victory in the elections, and SDSM will not be able to achieve even the results of the local elections, says Bozhinovski


According to all research, it is expected that in the next elections VMRO-DPMNE will have a convincing victory. This is according to all the relevant results that are coming out, said Vladimir Bozhinovski in an interview with a political show on Radio Leader.

Bozhinovski added that the same thing is happening as in the local elections, when even then the research indicated that VMRO-DPMNE would win the majority of municipalities. Even now, all relevant research points to a convincing victory of VMRO-DPMNE in the upcoming elections.

Bozhnovski pointed out that according to all the relevant research on the elections, SDSM cannot hope to produce a result that would ensure victory. But also SDSM cannot do the same result of the local elections which was also devastating for them.

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