Mickoski: VMRO-DPMNE agrees on setting a date for elections in Parliament


We do not intend to get into a party correspondence with whether there should be a leaders’ meeting or there will be no leadership meeting. We will not accept the mindset of frustrated people, if they think that in this way we will get out of the potential political and constitutional crisis, there is no problem, we accept everything and let it be in Parliament, let the working groups sit down and talk, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in a reply to the media.
Mickoski asked the Prime Minister and leader of the ruling SDSM, Dimitar Kovachevski, to appoint people who will be ready to discuss the dates for holding presidential and general elections, because, as the opposition leader said, “Kovachevski is acting cowardly because he is constantly running away from elections, leaders’ meeting and duels”.

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