Former UBK head will not be held accountable for the wiretapping scandal, the statute of limitations on the Target-Fortress case has expired


No one will be held accountable for the wiretapping scandal, for former UBK head Sasho Mijalkov, this was his last day in the courtroom. His case’s statute of limitations expired today and he is in the courtroom for the last time for the Target case.
The Target case’s statute of limitations has expired, and the part about the Fortress case for the destruction of the equipment continues and Gordana Jankuloska, Toni Jakimovski, certain intelligence officers and another defendant, Valentina Simonovska, will be tried.
However, the trial ends for Sasho Mijalkov. It will continue for a part of the indictment called the Fortress case, which refers to the destruction of the wiretapping equipment that took place in 2015 after then-opposition leader Zoran Zaev began publishing the so-called bombs.

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