The underground has become aboveground, there are shootings in malls, restaurants and streets, says opposition


Oliver Spasovski has been in the position of Minister of Interior for eight years now. He is most responsible for the mafia confrontations that take place in broad daylight, in the center of Skopje, in shopping centers, in front of the citizens. The shooting from two days ago in a shopping mall in which two people were seriously wounded is not the first. It is just one in a series of mafia fights in which dozens of people have died so far, and this all the time during Spasovski’s term, the largest opposition party VMRO-DPMNE assesses in a press release on Thursday.

“Spasovski is directly responsible, no case has been solved and Spasovski repeats like a parrot that the investigation is ongoing, but in fact the incidents are becoming more frequent and more dangerous. Because of Spasovski, the underground became the aboveground in Skopje and they took over the streets, shopping malls, hospitality facilities. Citizens are not safe. If Oliver Spasovski had any virtue, he would have resigned, or if Kovachevski was a real prime minister, he would have fired him,” added VMRO-DPMNE.


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