After the new evidence on the “Wild Flesh” case, the Inquiry Committee in the Parliament must be extended for the period covered by the HIF report


Due to the new startling evidence connected to the “Wild Flesh” case that the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, presented Thursday, the Inquiry Committee in the Parliament of the Republic of N. Macedonia must be immediately expanded and cover the period from the report of the Health Insurance Fund, said VMRO-DPMNE on Friday.

“Citizens have the right and must find out the truth, what intentional omissions have occurred at the Oncology Clinic and which are proven by this report, are for the purpose of getting rich on the backs of the people and patients. SDS and DUI should not run away from the truth, which will certainly be known, whether in one way or another, and stop pretending to the public that they knew nothing,” said the largest opposition party.

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