Miloshoski: Filipche will have to answer whether he and Zaev were on the payroll of the favorite and preferred wholesaler both in the Ministry of Health and at Malmed, Dr. Panovski


At VMRO-DPMNE’s forum on Saturday as part of the “It is important! Changes depend on you” campaign in Vinica at the debate named  “the Proud Flesh case – There must be accountability for the cancer mafia” the opposition MP Antonijo Miloshoski addressed the attending and pointed out that the former Health Minister Venko Filipche had his favorite wholesaler which was privileged even in the Ministry of Health and at Malmed, and at the Health Insurance Fund, and if he had mustered the courage to appear a second time at the commission, he would have been asked the question of whether he and Zaev were on the payroll of the wholesaler Dr. Panovski.

Miloshoski also said that if the former Health Minister Venko Filipche had worked up the courage to appear before the commission for the second time, he would have been asked the question of whether he and former Prime Minister Zaev were on the payroll of the wholesaler Dr. Panovski, information that a member of the commission received during an informal conversation with a former director, one of the interviewees.



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