Arsovska announces a new transport system in Skopje


After two years of removing obstacles to the project caused by the previous city management, the city of Skopje will finally get a new transport system, the City of Skopje said in a press release on Thursday.

The Fast Bus Transportation system received the green light from international partners, which begins its implementation in the capital. The project involves the construction of two new terminals, transport centers, provision of uninterrupted bus traffic, as well as the purchase of new ecological buses that use CNG. In the basic conceptual project, the detected serious obstacles to implementation were highlighted, which, thanks to the dedication and work of the city administration, have been overcome and their removal enables the smooth implementation of this project. Despite all the blockades, the city of Skopje continues with its efforts that will provide citizens with modern and timely public city transportation, overcoming the problems faced by JSP and citizens when it comes to city transportation. Neither the blockades in the Skopje City Council nor the structural problems faced by JSP, inherited from the previous management of the company, will stop us in our sincere commitment to modern and ecological city transport. The new eco-friendly buses and the revised system will significantly reduce traffic chaos in the capital and allow public transport to run smoothly and make delays a thing of the past. That is why it is important that everything that is in the interest of the citizens be implemented, and that they receive city transportation as befits the capital,” reads the press release.

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