If people with disabilities were important to the Government, then the adopted law on assessment of people with disabilities would have been valid immediately, not after 18 months


VMRO-DPMNE MP Blagica Lasovska pointed out that the former Minister of Labor and Social Policies Mila Carovska from the ranks of SDSM for imagined the inclusion laws only as a project.

Lasovska explained that very few of the citizens to whom it refers have heard about the law, which is called the “Law on Assessment of Persons with Disabilities”, and assessed that it is a law that can cause major problems.

“They (the authorities) don’t think about people with special needs, but think about how their staff can get licenses and even blackmail parents about whether they will get the services they need. This law, if people with disabilities were important, then it would have come into force immediately, now the law will be valid 18 months after it was passed, and it was passed, but the commission and licenses now and immediately. This means that they only want to form the body and only give the licenses means for money and party jobs,” Lasovska pointed out.

The opposition MP stressed that the professionals in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, who have been working for years, were not consulted during the drafting of the law and did not know anything about it.


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