Extraordinary inspection in the Prilep hospital after the death of a newborn


The State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate will carry out an extraordinary inspection in the hospital based in Prilep, regarding the death of the newborn that died of sepsis, the Minister of Health Fatmir Mexhiti confirmed Monday at a press briefing.

“I immediately initiated the inspection today, the State Sanitary Inspectorate will go and there will be an expert commission. From now on, there will be no doubts about any case, we will solve everything to the end as it should be, Mexhiti replied to a media question after visiting the PHI University Clinic for Children’s Diseases, on the occasion of the promotion of new sensors for measuring glycemia.

The baby was born in the hospital in Prilep, and then transferred to the Children’s Clinic in Skopje, where he died after one week.

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