Sotirovski: The cross at Popova Shapka is placed on a monastery property, what do we do with the many buildings built on state land?


Vigilance and restraint is needed from everyone regarding the situation surrounding Popova Shapka, the President of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Religious Groups Darijan Sotirovski said in a Facebook post. He says that everyone has been building on Popova Shapka for years as they please.

“Despite the calls of many experts, as well as owners of weekend houses and hoteliers, the Municipality of Tetovo did not find it suitable to resolve it through the adoption of urban plans and appropriate approval of construction, installation of temporary facilities, equipment and installations, as well as appropriate impartial and non-selective supervisory and penal setting. Unlike numerous buildings, on floors and with fenced courtyards on state land, the Cross is placed on monastery property and the question is whether anywhere in the country anyone has given permission to place a cross in the courtyard of a monastery. The cross is a religious symbol. What do we do with the many profane and sacred buildings built on state land? Well, on Popova Shapka there are such everywhere. Why hasn’t the Council held an extraordinary meeting for any of them until now? We should hold an extraordinary session of the Council of the Municipality of Tetovo, as some of the councilors requested, but let it be open to the public and offer answers to many questions that the citizens surely have. Double standards are disastrous in a democracy. The express convening of an extraordinary session (less than 3 hours after the request) is surprising, especially considering that, for example, the request for the proposal of “Tetovo wants a park” to be considered at a session of the Council of the Municipality of Tetovo still it has been waiting for almost two years. Religious symbols come together with religious buildings, the cross and minaret go with churches and mosques. In a multicultural and multi-religious society, tolerance and respect for the different must go with each person,” reads Sotirovski’s Facebook post.

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