Kovachki: Although Petrovska admitted, Pendarovski remained silent for a month about the sex scandal in the ARM, it is an agreement


 On October 17, we publicly announced about the sex scandal that is shaking the Macedonian Army – ARM in which the highest military leaders are involved. There was no reaction from the Minister of Defense and the President of the Republic of Macedonia. At a session of parliamentary questions, the Minister of Defense publicly confirmed to Kovachevski and to the MPs that she knew about this case and that she had given a statement to the military intelligence, MP and member of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee DraganKovachki told a press briefing on Thursday.

“The president has no interest in clearing up the case about which the minister publicly said from the podium that she knew, and later in the day she gave a contrary statement in a TV interview, that she was not informed. So she knew, but was not informed,” Kovachki said.

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