Five teenage girls injured after their Porsche ran off the road in Skopje


Five girls aged 18 and 19, two of whom were seriously injured around 3 a.m. on Saturday after a Porsche car with Skopje license plates, driven by one of the injured, ran off the road in the Skopje municipality of Aerodrom.
The 19-year-old girl who was driving the vehicle and another 18-year-old girl were seriously injured.
“A.C. and the passenger S.P. (18) were seriously injured, and three other passengers J.M. (18), E.B. (18) and AM.K. (18), all from Skopje, suffered bodily injuries, ascertained in the Mother Teresa Clinic Complex and the St. Naum Ohridski City General Hospital, informed the Ministry of Interior.

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