Bytyqi says it’s wrong to expect reduction of officials’ wages to increase public sector wages


Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs, Fatmir Bytyqi, said he expects the Government to soon receive a proposal from the working group tasked with drafting a solution for a possible reduction or intervention in the wages of officials which were raised by 78 percent in March 2023, causing protests and demands for increased public sector wages.

In answer to a journalist’s question on Monday, Bytyqi said it is wrong to expect the reduction of the wages of officials to increase wages in the public sector.

“Regarding when the wages of officials would be reduced since a part of the public sector is striking and expects the reduction of officials’ wages in order to have their own wages increased – this is a wrong expectation and someone simply wants to create such an expectation. Any reduction, if there is a reduction, would not be enough to cover possible raises for 135.000 public sector employees, because we are talking about 1260 elected and appointed officials,” said Bytyqi.


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