MoI denies that there was an attempted kidnapping, says instead a male person invited a schoolgirl to get into the car to take her out to coffee


The Ministry of Interior (MoI) says that it is not true that there was an attempted kidnapping in Karbinci, but that a male person invited a schoolgirl into the car to take her out to coffe.

The denial issued by the Ministry of Interior below:

“The Ministry of Interior strongly denies the speculations that spread Tuesday on certain portals, local television stations and social networks about an alleged thwarted attempt to abduct a minor in a schoolyard in the Municipality of Karbinci.

According to the official report to the police: Tuesday (05.12.2023) at 09.52 a.m. in the Shtip police department received a report from the elementary school in the municipality of Karbinci, in which was reported that around 09.30 a.m. a young male came to the school yard in a Golf passenger vehicle, who, according to the report, invited a female pupil to get into his car to take her out to coffee, but she immediately returned to the school and reported the case to the principal.

The principal of the Strasho Pindjur elementary school inKarbinci, Natalija Kostova, said that there was an attempted kidnapping, and the mayor of the Municipality, Viktor Paunov, shared the same opinion.

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