Lefkov: The basic problem in Macedonia is crime and it metastasizes with the help of the Government


We have scandals every day on various grounds, so we have to admit that we have a Government and an establishment that not only fails to save itself with crime, but unfortunately also causes its metastases, stated Mile Lefkov, MP and member of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee in the morning show on Radio Leader.
“The toxic atmosphere that is being created has its own consequences, one of the consequences is unfortunately what we saw. However, we have very serious problems. One of the serious problems is the atmosphere of impunity in the country. Another serious problem that we talked about a lot on shows, and in the Parliament, is if you are a supporter of this Government, if you are a supporter of the Social Democratic Union and the DUI in any way, then more or less all doors are open to you or you are allowed to it can be seen through your fingers. We can see those problems everywhere, whether from non-payment of tax, whether from using state tenders, etc.,” the opposition MP said.
“Everyone knows what the main problem in Macedonia is. The country has no other problem, the basic problem is the criminal issue. The source of all problems lies precisely in crime and in the criminal base that is created on various bases. On the one hand, you have theft of the state budget, companies that appear to you as party donors of DUI that take and use tenders, and on the other hand, you see a change in the law on games of chance so that someone can profitably get rich,” elaborated Lefkov.

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