Aggeler: Other names will be “blacklisted”, the country faces epidemic of corruption


The United States Ambassador to North Macedonia, Angela Aggeler, said on Thursday there are various options for the “blacklisted” individuals to appeal the designation, in answer to a journalist’s question regarding the statement of former Deputy Prime Minister Kocho Angjushev who said he would appeal the decision of the U.S. Department of State designating him as ineligible for entry in the U.S. due to his involvement in “significant corruption”.

“There are various options, but I think the important thing is the announcement of the sanction. Mr. Angjushev and others, are certainly within their rights to request a reconsideration. But these decisions are not made lightly, and they are made based on U.S. law, so we felt very confident with the designation that we announced. I can assure you all that other names will be coming. I don’t have an exact timeline but as we mentioned in our announcement there is an epidemic of corruption in this country and the names will continue until that has been addressed,” said Aggeler.


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