Spasovski lied to the public about Zhezhovski’s vehicle, confirmation of that is the Veles PD’s telegram to all interior departments in the country, says opposition


Oliver Spasovski should be ashamed of his lies, in front of the journalists and in front of the Macedonian public, where he cold-bloodedly lied, regarding the vehicle of the murdered Panche Zhezhovski, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Wednesday.

“On December 4, when Spasovski held a press conference with Gavril Bubevski, he said about Pance’s vehicle:  “That vehicle did not move until November 27 and we had no information that it was taken. And it is registered by cameras, as is the Renault vehicle. A search was also carried out in the political party Treta, to which the vehicle belonged, and certain information was found.”

This is not the truth. The truth is that the Ministry of Interior knew on November 24 that the vehicle of the now murdered and then missing Panche had been missing since November 22, i.e. 5 days before Vanja’s murder,” the largest political party said in the press release.



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