No electricity price hikes starting January 1, says Bekteshi


Economy Minister KreshnikBekteshi said on Thursday there will be no hikes in the price of electricity for households from January 1, despite the introduction of the new methodology and the new grid access fee, which, according to the minister, impacts citizens who own holiday homes, or multiple houses or apartments.

Bekteshi dismissed claims that the new fee is compensation for the reinstated low electricity rate.

Asked by reporters, Bekteshi said that despite the requests of energy companies regarding the price of electricity, the Energy Regulatory Commission is the body that will decide how many of them will be accepted.

“Twenty-seven percent isn’t such a big request if we compare it to previous years. It most likely won’t be accepted. The price for households and small consumers won’t increase as of January 1, on the contrary, with the chance to use the low rate, their electricity bills will be reduced,” said Bekteshi.

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