Nikolov: Even after seven years of SDS and DUI rule, 80 percent of the promised projects in healthcare remained unrealized


-We are familiar with the problems of patients from all over the country. Here in Kavadarci we see the same picture as well, the citizens complain that it is difficult to get to health services, examination, and even more difficult to intervention, that there are no basic medicines, and those that are available are from the older generation, that a large percentage also pay privately for services, that we have centralized health services instead of a commitment to their decentralization and that every patient receives a service closer to the place of residence, said doctor Igor Nikolov, headof the VMRO-DPMNE Health Committee during his visit to Kavadarci on Saturday.
According to Nikolov, the lack of a systemic solution and the previous neglect of the specialist staff can also be seen in Kavadarci, where there is a lack of specialists from several departments.

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