European centers believe that Macedonia is not ready to start EU negotiations, not because of Bulgaria, because of the high level of crime and corruption, says Nikoloski


During Saturday’s visit to the Municipality of Kavadarci, the VMRO-DPMNE deputy leader Aleksandar Nikoloski, asked whether there is a start for EU negotiations with Ukraine and where Macedonia is on that path, pointed out that what happened last week was the best proof of what VMRO – DPMNE, and him personally had been talking about since 2018, for five and a half years. That the main reason why there’s no start of EU negotiations is the high level of crime and corruption at the top of the government.
“If it wasn’t like that, the problem with Bulgaria would have been solved by the big European powers in one morning or afternoon, maybe they wouldn’t have needed that much, maybe even in an hour or two. “A high-ranking European representative would have gone to Sofia, he would have met whomever he was supposed to meet there, and the problem would not have existed,” said Nikoloski.

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