We got 50% higher inflation with SDSM than the EU countries and GDP growth twice as low as the countries in the region, says opposition


With SDS, we got 50% higher inflation than the EU countries and GDP growth per capita twice as low as the countries in the region. In the EU, inflation is 4.3%, in Macedonia 6.6%. Due to SDS, 600 thousand of our fellow citizens live in poverty, and at least 80 thousand live in extreme poverty, VMRO-DPMNE said on Sunday.
“After SDS came to power, GDP per capita in Macedonia grew by only 20%, while in the countries of the region from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Albania, through Serbia, Kosovo and Bulgaria, it grew by over 50%. Everyone has gone through SDS Macedonia and it is becoming concrete at the bottom. They turned the state apparatus into a system for bribery, instead of serving the citizens,” said the largest opposition party in the country.

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