Mickoski: Construction of preschools, local roads, schools, clinics, sports centers in 15 municipalities


Usually the press conferences that are held are about bad topics from painful everyday life. This is because life in Macedonia has never been worse. But today this press conference is connected with good and positive news related to the work of several municipalities where the mayors come from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE. Before moving on to the main thing, I want to point out that I am extremely satisfied with the achievements and work of the mayors from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition. These two years that have come to an end were years of solving many problems, many challenges and achieving results in conditions of inherited municipalities in chaos, fierce blockades from the central government, as well as a bad economic situation in Macedonia, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski at a press conference on Monday.

“In the following period, I would like to announce that in 15 larger municipalities, the construction of capital projects with capital importance for the municipalities is being followed, and this cycle of INVESTMENTS FOR DEVELOPMENT should significantly ease the life of citizens in these municipalities.

It will start with the construction of preschools, local roads, schools, clinics, sports halls, which are of great importance for these 15 municipalities. I have to admit that all these 15 municipalities have completed the projects and they have been revised and the formal start of them is just coming,” Mickoski said.

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