Electricity price to drop by 5.16 percent in first block as of January 1


As of January 1, the price of electricity for households is set to drop by 5.16 percent for consumers in the first block, while remaining unchanged for the second block and the low daytime rate. The prices for the third and fourth block are set to rise by 2.88 and 1.86 percent respectively.

According to the President of the Energy Regulatory Commission, Marko Bislimoski, the changes were made possible by the introduction of the grid access fee – a monthly fee of MKD 200 (EUR 3.25). Otherwise, he said, there would be price hikes of 3.4 percent in the first block, 8.62 in the second, 9.46 in the third, and 4.92 percent in the fourth block, while the low daytime rate would rise by 15.42 percent. Additionally, Bislimoski said, the ERC also made it possible for the distribution fee to drop by almost 23 percent.

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