Government announces a new increase of electricity price as of January 1, the price has increased by 50% since 2017, says Antovski


A new increase in the price of electricity starting January 1 because of the ruling SDS and DUI. With SDS and DUI’s coming to power, apart from raising the price of electricity, we got nothing else. From 2017 until today, the price of electricity has increased by 50%, but according to the logic of SDS, it is important that there is no broadcasting fee, opposition official Stevche Antovski said at a press conference on Wednesday.

“While we are still in shock from massive partisanship and pre-election bribery of voters by filling Macedonia’s Power Plants with about 500 employees, a new shock followed, but this time by the Energy Regulatory Commission. The price of electricity is increasing for the third and fourth blocks! This group includes the majority of citizens of Macedonia who heat with electricity, due to the fact that they do not have access to gas or thermal energy for heating. In the middle of December, the new invented tax of Marko Bislimoski was announced, a so-called fee for network access, which is nothing but a new burden for the citizens of Macedonia, who barely make ends meet. This time, this tax will hit those who save the most. Although they are trying to mask the price increase through new charges and block price increases, every household knows that since 2017, the price of electricity has increased by almost 50%. From then until now, we have seen the destruction of energy capacities, a wrong strategy in the energy sector and an increase in the prices of all products as a result of the increase in the price of electricity,” said Antovski.

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