355 new jobs in PE Macedonian Forests”- Albanians will be employed in Macedonian municipalities


One month before the formation of the Technical Government, mass employment is also announced in PE Macedonian Forests. Ethnicity is emphasized here as the main criterion for employment, but the absurdity is that we are talking about populated areas where such workers cannot actually be found, and moreover, such a way of pushing the Employment Law in the public sector, it easily becomes the basis for inter-ethnic tensions.

According to the latest advertisement of Public Enterprise Macedonian Forests, 12 ethnic Albanian loggers are required for fair representation, in a municipality in which, according to the last census, only one Albanian resides.

Apart from Berovo, according to the advertisement, it is also noted that ethnic Albanians are also wanted in other ethnic Macedonian municipalities, such as Kriva Palanka, Demir Kapija, Kavadarci, etc.

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