Macedonian voice was heard from Vancouver to Vladivostok, says FM


Macedonia has made a big breakthrough on the global political scene in 2023 and our voice was heard from Vancouver to Vladivostok. We can continue to build on this position in 2024 through joint perseverance, unity and commitment to progress, says Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairmain-in-Office Bujar Osmani in his New Year’s message.

FM Osmani says that under North Macedonia’s leadership, with a clear vision and lots of commitment, OSCE has been saved amid exceptionally complex circumstances and a war in the region of the organization.

According to Osmani, success means that the country has started negotiations, but what negotiations? Macedonia is still in the waiting room of the European Union and this year it was left empty-handed again, with a changed name and an obligation to change the Constitution again.

“The EU train will not stop and I firmly believe that we will overcome the blockades of the opposition in the course of the coming year. I believe because I know that the majority of our citizens want to turn the page and become a part of the strong and connected European family,” added Osmani.

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