Pendarovski: Let’s be more kind, show more solidarity and tolerance in 2024


Let’s be more kind, show more solidarity and tolerance as individuals and community in 2024, says the Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski in his New Year’s greeting.

Pendarovski says another difficult year with not many reasons for joy and celebration has gone by.

“Global crises along with our own chronic domestic problems have contributed to us thinking more about mitigating the consequences rather than development. We see the effects around us: apathy, distrust and disappointment among citizens,” said Pendarovski.

According to the head of state, people had gone through more difficult times in the past but did not lose faith or hope.

“We need to return to the values that give meaning to life. Let’s be more kind, show more solidarity and tolerance as individuals and community in the New Year. Let’s overcome misunderstandings that have kept us in a standstill for years. Instead of chasing for assets, let’s give priority to kindness and help each other, let’s build a humane and noble society,” said Pendarovski in his holiday greeting.


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