Constitutional amendments process will start from the beginning after the formation of the new Parliament composition


The Government is now seeking a national consensus and support from the opposition for the entry of the Bulgarians into the Constitution, after not consulting anyone at all before accepting the French proposal, which stuck the European integration of Macedonia. With the acceptance of the negotiation framework, the Bulgarian conditions became European demands, so now that they realized that they could not push through the changes by force, they remembered that they needed broad support.

SDSM MP Snezhana Kaleska-Vancheva told Alfa TV that the country had to change the Constitution in order to follow the European path, which would have transformed the country.

The opposition remains of the opinion that under such conditions agreed by Kovachevski and Osmani, the constitutional amendments must not be adopted.

Otherwise, the entire process of constitutional amendments after May 8, when the new parliamentary composition will be formed, will have to start from the beginning. The session that Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi put on hold, in the hope that they would convince a member of the government, will remain unfinished.


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