Stoilkovski: DUI threw “European” punches on behalf of the so-called European coalition, with hidden support from SDS


DUI and SDS showed their false pro-European face yesterday. On Thursday, DUI threw “European” punches on behalf of the so-called European coalition, with hidden support from SDS! Bekim Neziri, the leader of the attackers, is not a random person, but a known high DUI official. It is impossible for him to enter M-NAV that way without the knowledge and support of the directors from the ranks of DUI, from the party leadership and of course from the Government, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski told a press conference on Friday.
“Publicly, while reporters are standing there, a press conference is even being held, DUI thugs come in to attack, the doors are opened for them, and so far no one has been arrested, and there is not one resignation? This is the true face of the coalition hiding behind false European values,” Stoilkovski said.

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